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Many people want to start learning to drive as soon as they turn 18 years old, but that doesn’t mean every learner driver learns and passes at the same age. Deciding when the right time to take to the road depends on a number of factors, and making sure you make the right choice is important. In order to help you decide when the best time to learn to drive is, we look at some of the key factors you should consider when thinking about getting in the driver’s seat. From finding the time for your driving lessons, to deciding what time of year to start, we’ll help you to decide when the right time to learn to drive is. Weighing up the costs One of the biggest deciding factors is bound to be the financial cost of learning to drive. For many young prospective learner drivers, the price of even cheap driving lessons just isn’t manageable without the help of friends and family, especially if you’re still in full time education. Asking for help with paying for your driving lessons might sound like a lot to ask, but it’s important to remember what the benefits of being able to drive are. Not only will having a driving licence help put you in the very best position when it comes to searching for a job, but it also affords you the freedom to get from A to B, without having to rely on your parents acting as taxis. If you’re not sure whether now is financially the best time for you to be taking to the road, take a look at our costs breakdown, where you can get an idea of how much learning to drive costs. Finding the time You might also find that it can be tough to find the time to fit your driving lessons and practice sessions in. If you’re struggling to find the right time for your driving lessons, why not ask your driving instructor whether they’re available at evenings and weekends? Many driving instructors are happy to work flexible hours and will be able to work with you to find a time slot which suits both of you. This is particularly important if your schedule means you can’t commit to a set day and time each week. Make sure, even if this is the case, that you make the time for at least one hour of tuition a week, as having long gaps between driving lessons can cause you to get a little rusty on the things you’ve previously learnt. Your lifestyle Lifestyle might also dictate whether or not you need to learn to drive, but getting your driving licence isn’t always a case of thinking about what you need right now. Once you’ve passed your driving test and have got your driving licence, you’ll be able to drive from whenever the time is right for you, without having to worry about getting your driving licence first. Remember, you don’t have to take to the road immediately after passing your driving test. Even if you’ve got no need for a car right now, there’s likely to be a time in the future where having a car makes things much easier. What time of year should I learn to drive? Deciding what time of year you’re going to start learning to drive is also important. You can learn to drive at any time of the year, but many find learning in the summer months to be a more appealing option. Not only do those in education have more time to be on the road in the summer, but the evenings are also lighter and the weather conditions tend to be much kinder to learner drivers. Having said that, those who start learning to drive during months with adverse weather conditions are able to get hands on experience of adverse driving conditions from the very start of their time on the road. Whilst most learner drivers get the opportunity, at some point, to drive in challenging weather conditions and in the dark, doing so from the word go can be really useful. Learn to drive; Book driving lessons today and discover your freedom!
By Harry- Maridady Auto Academy | 01 Jan 2022